Thursday, 1 May 2014


Bibliography I thought was just a list of things you had looked up relating to the chosen topic. That primarily is what it is about. The definition of a bibliography is "a complete or selective list of works complied upon some common principle, as authorship, subject, place of publication, or printer." ( (2014). Define Bibliography. paragraph 1)

However there is a specific way to set it out, it has got to be in alphabetical order to do with the writers last name. I learnt this on my second report and ever since then I have been doing them correct, so when it comes to reports these don't worry me. The main thing I forget is to do it while I'm going along so I miss out a lot of research I do, and only really use the things I can remember. If I did it as I went along I would have more of a variety to get me the higher grades. This is what I will do for my next report. 

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