Monday 14 April 2014

Gibbs theory


Discuss your feelings and thoughts about the experience. Consider questions such as: How did you feel at the time? What did you think at the time? What did you think about the incident afterwards? You can
discuss your emotions honestly.


For your evaluation, discuss how well you think things went. Perhaps think about: How did you react to the situation, and how did other people react? What was good and what was bad about the experience? If you are writing about a difficult incident, did you feel that the situation was resolved afterwards? Why/why not?


In your analysis, consider what might have helped or hindered the event.You also have the opportunity here to compare your experience with the literature you have read.


In your conclusion, to think could have done anything else; what you have learned from the experience; consider whether you could you have responded in a different way. If you are talking about a positive experience discuss whether you would do the same again to ensure a positive outcome. Also consider if there is anything you could change to improve things even further. If the incident was negative tell your reader how you could have avoided it happening and also how you could make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Action plan 

Action plans sum up anything you need to know and do to improve for next time. What can you do which means you will be better equipped to cope with a similar event? 

(University of Cumbria. Gibbs’ (1988) reflective cycle. paragraphs 2-7)

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