Sunday 20 April 2014

More on presentation techniques and Kolb theory

1 -      Concrete experience

Doing a presentation isn't a new experience however it's an experience I am not comfortable with. Personally I feel every time you do a presentation it is a new experience because you never really know how they are going to go, no matter how many time your practise them.

2 -      Reflective observation

Looking back on the presentation there are a few things I would now change. The timings being a vital one! You don't want to look as if your rushing it, however you don't want to run out of time. Also for most of the powerpoints I did, there wasn't a huge amount of words on the slides however personally I feel there was still too many which can be distracting.

3-      Abstract Conceptualisation

From the reflecting I can tell I've learnt a lot, especially when it comes to improving them. I've learnt the most important thing about presentations is getting the timings spot on. Also I've learnt the more I do them the more my confidence grows.

4 -      Active Experimentation

Now from learning all of this, it means next year when I come to do presentations I can be a lot more confident in myself and in the presentation I would have created. 

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